For some people, Dog is just one animal, but ask someone who is leaving with their pet they can make you understand the importance of the dog in their life. Dogs are the best lovers in the world, they make you smile, their love is unconditional, they are loyal, for them you are everything. There are many such reasons we love our Dog. Let’s check how they are changing our lives with their love.
1. Never Ending Love- “True lover of entire life”

Except it or not we all humans love each other with some motif or goal and there will be a possibility of changing love of and affection of human in various conditions in life. The dog will never change his love and affection for you in any condition. His love will be always the same and never-ending till his last breath.
2. He is the one who hears you- “Behaves like Mature person”

We are living a life where we face many ups and downs in the life and there is a common human mind that no one will stand with you at the time of your downfall. Here you feel like no one is here to hear me but wait! Someone is there in your home with whom you can share your all problems and cry in front of him. He will hear you like a mature person.
3. He will change your mood- Mood changer

Bad day in office? Your boss scolds you? Breakup with Gf/Bf? Cute buddy with four legs is in front of you and get a sense that you are not in a good mood. He will do all drama and shower his love for you to make your mood better and I bet, you also left those issues and enjoy with him. That’s a god gifted quality our lovely Dog possesses.
4. For your baby- Best babysitter

As per one study report says that “kids who are in close contact with a dog are less sick in their first year of life.” Your baby will get great companionship from his birth time.The dog will be best and most trusted babysitter you can find ever and still he only charge is your happiness, Your smile, and Your love towards him.
5. He will not let you eat alone- Eating companion

He wants to eat whatever you are eating not only the dog food. Yeah, after getting so much it’s fair to share food with Your Dog. He will be always ready to have snacks with you Be it popcorn, be it Pastry, be it cheese, and be it chocolate everything. My Dog wants his share of Almond and cashew nuts also, thank God drinks are a little bit bitter.
6. Daily walking with him- He is a fitness trainer

For all lazy people out there, here Dogs are improving our health, at least for him, we are walking a little bit. Here, they are working like a fitness trainer, drag you forcefully for walking.
7. Security for 24*7 of your home-

He will make sure that no unknown person enters the house without his permission.