Everyone wants glowing skin and better skin, which makes you beautiful. However, skin color always has a dominance of genetics, although the glow of your skin will depend on your food diet and proper skin care also. How to get good healthy and glowing skin without taking medicines and cosmetics? The answer here is good and healthy food which nourish your skin. For that, we made a list that glows and care your skin.
- Tomatoes
Yes, This vegetable is very useful for your skin as the protein in Tomatoes protects from UV rays of the Sun and remove harmful radicals from the skin. As per the dermatologists report in the British Journal of Dermatologist that those who took 5 spoons raw Tomato gravy get protection from the attack of the sun.
- Carrots
Rich vegetable in Vitamin A and Beta Carotene is the reason which makes this vegetable always on top on healthy food. This vegetable is not only a good source for the skin care but also good for eyes, bones, and teeth. Vitamin C in carrot reduces the dark spot and skin damages and make the skin brighter.The carrot will also reduce the cancer cells in the skin.
- Salmon, Sardines, Anchovies
These all 3 fish are a very healthy source of Omega-3 and also contain high amounts of dimethylaminoethanol which prevent skill cells from the aging factor. It also tighter the muscle and skin cells, which will make your face toned. DMAE in the Salmon will also reduce the wrinkles from the face.
- Sweet Potatoes
One of the richest food in Carotenoids is a sweet potato. As per one report, it will protect your skin just half medium Potato provides 200 percent of your daily recommended intake. Sweet Potatoes are also a healthy food for the body as per Journal evolution and human behavior showed in a report that people who eat more vegetables.
- Beetroot
Pink color fruit is one of the best if you want to glow your skin. Beetroot is a house which has all minerals and vitamins in it. The anti-inflammatory property protects the skin from Pimples and acne. Beetroot will clear your dark spot, yes, you heard it true if you include it in your skin care you will notice disappear of the dark spots.
- Avocado
This fruit is full of the antioxidant in it. The avocado will soften the skin and hydrate it which will glow the skin. One can prepare a face mask, yes, a natural face mask adds 1 tbsp honey with Avocado. The similar way one can also add avocado in a diet as a salad with orange.