
20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles: Exploring the Timeless Beauty

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

The Viking era, known for its rich history and legendary warriors, also had a distinct sense of style, including unique hairstyles. Viking women were known to take great pride in their appearance, and their hairstyles were an essential part of their cultural identity. In this post, we will delve into the fascinating world of Viking woman hairstyles, exploring their significance and highlighting different types of hairstyles that were popular during that era.

Historical Context:

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

To understand Viking woman’s hairstyles, it’s crucial to delve into the historical context. The Viking Age spanned from the late 8th century to the early 11th century, and during this time, Scandinavian women wore hairstyles that were both functional and stylish. Hair was seen as a symbol of beauty, femininity, and social status.

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

Braids and Plaits:

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

Braids and plaits were a hallmark of Viking woman’s hairstyles. These intricate styles were not only aesthetically pleasing but also practical, keeping their hair secure during their active lifestyles. Viking women were known to have different types of braids, such as single braids, double braids, and even elaborate braided updos. They often adorned these braids with beads, metal cuffs, or ribbons to add a touch of glamour.

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

The “Swedish Crown” Hairstyle:

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

One of the most iconic Viking woman hairstyles was the “Swedish Crown” or “Norse Goddess” hairstyle. This style involved braiding the hair along the hairline, creating a crown-like effect. They often wore the remaining hair loose or pulled it back into a simple braid or bun. The Swedish Crown hairstyle was worn by women of all social classes and was considered a symbol of strength and power.

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty


The “Dane Axe” Hairstyle:

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

The “Dane Axe” hairstyle was another popular choice among Viking women. They involved parting the hair down the middle and braiding each side into two thick plaits, which they then wrapped around the head. Noblewomen favored this style and it showcased their wealth and status within Viking society.

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

Long, Flowing Hair:

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

Not all Viking women wore elaborate hairstyles. Many chose to let their long hair flow freely, especially when engaged in activities such as farming or sailing. They viewed long, flowing hair as a symbol of femininity and natural beauty. To keep their hair out of their face, women often braided the front section or pinned it back with decorative combs.

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

Hair Accessories:

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

Viking women embraced various hair accessories to enhance their hairstyles. They used decorative combs, often carved from bone or wood, to secure braids and add an element of elegance. They threaded beads made from glass, amber, or precious metals into braids. Creating intricate patterns and adding a splash of color. They commonly wore headbands and hair ribbons to accentuate different styles.

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

The Warrior Braid: Viking Woman Hairstyles

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

In addition to their functional and elegant styles, Viking women also embraced hairstyles that reflected their fierce and warrior-like spirit. The Warrior Braid was a bold and striking hairstyle that featured a single thick braid extending from the top of the head, often adorned with intricate braiding patterns. This hairstyle symbolized strength, courage, and the indomitable spirit of Viking women.

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

The Valkyrie Updo: Viking Woman Hairstyles

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

Inspired by the mythical Valkyries, warrior women of Norse mythology who chose fallen heroes, the Valkyrie Updo was a popular choice among Viking women attending special occasions or celebrations. This hairstyle involved twisting and weaving the hair into an elaborate updo, often decorated with jewelry or feathers, evoking an ethereal and regal appearance.

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

The Shieldmaiden Half-Up: Viking Woman Hairstyles

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

Viking Shieldmaidens, the legendary female warriors, had their own unique hairstyle known as the Shieldmaiden Half-Up. This style combined the practicality of keeping the hair away from the face while showcasing the strength and courage of the wearer. They partially pulled back the hair and secured it with braids or pins. While the rest flowed freely, exuding a sense of confidence and readiness for battle.

The Norse Goddess Waves: Viking Woman Hairstyles

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

For Viking women who preferred a more natural and effortless look, the Norse Goddess Waves was a popular choice. This style involved gently curling the hair with braids overnight, creating soft, cascading waves that embodied a sense of femininity and grace. The Norse Goddess Waves were often adorned with delicate hairpins or floral accessories. Enhancing the goddess-like aura of the wearer.

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty


The hairstyles of Viking women were a reflection of their culture, social status, and personal style. Whether it was the elaborate braids of the Swedish Crown or the simple elegance of long, flowing hair, Viking women took great care in maintaining their hairstyles. These hairstyles have not only left a lasting impact on the history of fashion but also continue to inspire and captivate us to this day.

20+ Viking Woman Hairstyles Exploring the Timeless Beauty

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