Indians are always very open about their opinion whether they have to give an opinion on politics, social issues, on the celebrity, or whether on themselves. You will find many Twitter users often tweet their opinion in a humorous way and that tweet becomes popular in the nation. Look at these funny and hilarious Indian tweets.
- This tweet is just perfect for those who judge other people on their opinion or on their thinking. There are other people also in a country who are spending the whole day at work.

- The tweet is a very funny short joke which airline staff can relate too.

- This tweet one can only understand if he or she lives in a hostel and having experience of the food in the Hostel mess

- Shashi Tharoor is always in the limelight with his sarcastic tweet, look at his Tweet on Adhaar in a sarcastic manner.

- Another sarcasm on Adhar link.
Translation(Narendra Modi- You both links your Adhar first or else no one will blast bomb)

- Here again, one Twitter users make fun of nuclear bomb conversation by putting Kejriwal in the conversation in a sarcastic way, as many times he shows
Translation-(Kejriwal- Please don’t press that button, as your vote will go to BJP)

- When new I phone X launched with no home button it will recognize only facial recognition

- That’s true, I can relate to this tweet

- Here, the twitter user sarcastically pointing out nepotism. However, in Bollywood to become successful actor one also need to be talented.

10. Many of us are hearing the same dialogue many times. Many can relate to this tweet.

11. Humorous tweet of Diwali last year

12. This is really true, infect some people actually go with her to show the exact way.

- This tweet I think superb and amazing tweet and it really happens sometimes we cannot find out the difference in these curries. By, the way picture here is very good

- We all want the best feature smartphone and that we get it in iPhone series, However, other brands are also great, but the iPhone is popular among many. Prices of New model of the iPhones are always costly. Here,Twitter user made sarcasm on high cost of phone.

Note- All these tweets are made for humor, as well as to give one message or opinion on the situation which we face in our life many times, therefore take it as humor. We would also like to thank these Twitter users to share their views in such an amazing way.