He is the young sibling from Jonas brother very famous for his look and talent. Nick Jonas recorded last year was complicated got praise from fans and in that way he proves himself. Right now, he is in limelight due to date with famous Quantico actress Priyanka Chopra. She is a well-known actress of American television show Quantico and famous for her contribution in Indian films. Let’s look at some surprising facts of the life of Nick Jonas.
Nick Jonas was born in the United States in the city of Dallas of Texas provenance. He started his career at the age of 7. He also joins the band with his elder brother Joe and Kevin, which is known as Jonas brothers. They record their first debut studio album “it’s about time” but they got good success or you can rehearse a breakthrough in their second title studio song.
As per nick, he loves to follow one person, and that is his brother, Joe, as he is very funny so nick loves to follow him on the social media site like Twitter. He also revealed that his favorite singer is Demi Lovato and he loves her song “Two pieces”.
One interview he said that first ever song he learned is “If you are happy and you know it.” The star performer said that although he likes many songs to perform his favorite one to perform live is “jealous.”
Jonas Brothers were known as teen idols during beginning stages of their career and also role models for many American youngsters. Nick is known as a sex symbol, however, the singer said that he doesn’t consider himself as a sex symbol he is fine if his fan gives him this title. In 2014 Jonas was listed in Ok’s list of sexiest men alive. His naked photo shoot for flaunt is also considered as the best naked moments list. Nick also ranked at the sixth place in Capital FM’s list on sexiest pop music singers list.
- There are very fewer starts that are very supportive towards LGBT community. Many of critics of Nick tell him “Gay pandering celebrity”, however, he denied the claim in one interview. Due to this reason, he is having an adoring fan following the base of LGBT group which he thrilled out. So, one can say that he is celebrity crush for all.
Nick also diagnosed with diabetes type 1 at age of 13 from then he usually takes insulin pumps to manage his condition. He also contributes money for awareness for diabetes and also has changed for children. Their essential goal is to encourage awareness among the people through raising as well as donating money. He also collaborated with many NGO.
Nick is also extremely close to his younger brother Frankie. In one interview he revealed that if he has to color his hair, then he would like to color his hair like his younger brother Frankie Jonas.
There are certain likes and dislikes of Nick like he hates running but on the contrary, in one interview he said that if he is not a singer, then he wants to become baseball player. He also loves to play a video game but his brothers are better in this department. Apart from it in a candy, he prefers sour gummy worms. Who don’t appreciate sandwiches if you ask Nick Jonas, then he will prefer the Cuban sandwiches. And in the popcorn, he likes sriracha flavored popcorn
Up and at the bottom remain part of every person’s life same he to encounter a hard time in his life. As per nick in a hard time, he loves to spend time with his friends as well as closed ones and have a cigar.
One interview he revealed that his first crush was Shania Twain. However, as per sources Nick said he was equally fascinated when he met Rebecca black.
Right now he is dating with Quantico famous start Priyanka Chopra who is also one of the prominent stars of Indian film industry. Priyanka was one of the fabulous actresses with having many achievements on her side like she won the Ms. World title. Both Nick and Priyanka not answering rumors about their dating, however, their Instagram messages about each other revealed that both of them are in relation with each other.
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