In, every newspaper they dedicated one specific column that gives answer relating sexual problems. Here, in these columns, we always see some kind of questions which are always repeating like questions on masturbation, some male and female problems. Talking about sex and education, we have double standards on sex, as sex is taboo in the society, but in a survey of one porn website India takes over many countries of the world for surfing porn. These highly bizarre questions make you agree that India needs proper sex education.
- Here Both are playing poker, hence none of them are uneducated, still, they are not aware that during pregnancy sperms needed, a poker chip does not contain sperms. The person and his wife who asked the question, here are married and still, they don’t have an idea about pregnancy at this age.

- Here, as Condom was split once, hence the guy doesn’t want to use it again and he was asking option and that option is a sock. It’s great that he at least ask in one platform, but after this question, I surely have doubts that there are people who may be doing this kind of experiments.

- Self Obsessed men not asking here, he was showing his capacity, Women like men with emotion, care, and understanding, not your 220 strokes .
- I heard till the date mix breed dogs never think human dog mix breed. He need psychiatrist.

- Here, the guy wants mix breed of Chinese, Black, White, and Indian. I can only pray here for the girl. And If she also wants the same, then I have to pray for a God.

- Why protected sex with 9 and with others unprotected? After having unprotected sex with 7 girls he is asking that whether he infected with HIV or not.

7. No words for this question, We still lives in old centuries

- Your friend’s semen is faster than Yusen bolt from the neck it reached to the vagina?

9. Jai ho Babaji! Sexually uneducated spotted here, There are thousands of clinics nowadays who can help couples to become parents. But still believes in Babaji

- Oh, poor guy! One should always trust each other, but here I think your wife needs proper guidance. However, this idea you can recommend to Bollywood directors, as it is new in the market.

Here, all askers were educated and most of them are 30+ and still uneducated about sexual issues. It’s time to think what kind of society in the future do we need.